Susan Huffman
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Susan Huffman

Yes, I do have a life outside of TCI. For ten years we lived with our good friend Dr. Florence Wilson, who passed on in 2006. My little dog Mickey Mouse, Junior, who looks almost exactly like my companion of 17 years, the late Mickey Mouse, was very happy when his childhood companion, Sebastian the cat, arrived to keep him company. Sad to say, Sebastian has passed on, and we have only one fraidy cat, Caesar. Junior has a new friend, a rat terrier named Wilbur. We have also hosted several foreign students here improving their English.

For over twenty years I have been bookkeeper and office manager for the health economics consulting firm PAI. I have recently become a health coach for Take Shape for Life.

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Copyright © 1999-2009 The Huffman Family
Last modified: March 11, 2009